Yearly Archives: 2013


July Birthdays

We had two birthday's to celebrate during July.Firstly there was Jenny's. She was given a surprise tea party with the residents. There was a delicious coffee cake made by Christina. Then Joyce presented her with a knitted nativity set. Which will be put to good use in no time at all, as this year seems to be flying! [...]

2017-05-26T13:28:04+00:00 July 30, 2013|

Website Launch!

As you can see we have a new website! The residents enjoyed their day of fame when the website photographer came along to Ealing House for the photo shoot. And you can see he got some great shots.

2013-07-10T14:41:54+00:00 July 10, 2013|

Martham Carnival

It was 'Green fingers at the ready', at Ealing House when the residents were invited to join in the carnival weekend of fun by taking part in the St Mary’s Church garden competition. There were two categories of entry, miniature garden and 'fun' gardens. This set the residents their challenge. It provided several weeks of entertainment and preparation as everyone [...]

2017-05-26T13:28:04+00:00 July 7, 2013|