Monthly Archives: May 2014


We were all thoroughly delighted to meet Blink. He is the elder of Carole King's puppies. It was his first visit to Ealing House and as you can see he was really pleased to meet everyone. He was thoroughly spoilt as there were lots of treats for him to enjoy on his way around.Please come back to see us soon, [...]

2017-05-26T13:28:01+00:00 May 12, 2014|


We welcomed Razzmatazz the singer and puppeteer back for a morning of nostalgic songs. It was great to see everyone singing, and watch those who were able to dance along to many of our 'old favourite'. Sara came along with the children she was minding, they love to see the puppets, and join in with the songs by dancing along [...]

2017-05-26T13:28:01+00:00 May 12, 2014|