Yearly Archives: 2016


Nostalgic Martham Movies

Elaine Southern put together a selection of vintage movies taken around Martham and Great Yarmouth. It was an afternoon which provoked many happy memories and discussions among st each other. There were ice creams were served during the interval, just like being at the 'real' movies!! Elaine will be finding further footage of movies taken in the local vicinity so [...]

2017-05-26T13:27:50+00:00 May 20, 2016|

Scarecrow Festival

Well where do we begin! As ever the Martham Scarecrow festival generated weeks of entertainment as everyone worked together to prepare for the event. What a great time we had planning all the things we needed to make this year's display such a success. we thoroughly enjoyed it as you can see. Some residents were able to go outside to [...]

2017-05-26T13:27:50+00:00 May 19, 2016|

May Birthdays

Jean Lockwood celebrated her birthday during May. Friends and children gathered to wish her many happy returns. 

2017-05-26T13:27:50+00:00 May 18, 2016|