Yearly Archives: 2016


Christmas Pudding

It was time to make the Christmas pudding, today is the day when its lucky to stir the pudding. The ingredients were put together and the mixture was ready to have the liquid content added. One by one each resident had a turn to stir the mixture together.  Even the visitors had a turn, it was a lovely Christmas tradition [...]

2017-05-26T13:27:48+00:00 December 3, 2016|

School visit

The children from Martham first and middle school choir came along to sing some festive songs to the residents. Jenny and Sara came along to watch them to and then sang some of their own songs afterwards. (We were unable to take photos of the children singing due to child protection)

2017-05-26T13:27:48+00:00 December 1, 2016|

Christmas Coffee Morning

With everything finished, packaged and priced we were all set for the Christmas themed coffee morning. Once again we had a lovely morning spent with visiting friends and family and were delighted to raise £436 in the process. As you are already aware that this money goes towards our very busy activity programme, so Thank you for your continued support. 

2017-05-26T13:27:48+00:00 November 30, 2016|