Monthly Archives: September 2020


Mr Toby Small!

We were talking about hibernation, so we seized the opportunity to have Mr Toby Small my tortoise come in for his pre hibernation bath and spruce up! He's 18 years old, so we know the signs of him preparing to hibernate as he slows his body down for his winter sleep. He loves all the attention as you can see. [...]

2020-10-03T13:11:56+00:00 September 22, 2020|

Take out Tuesdays

We decided to make Tuesday lunchtimes more interesting by introducing Takeout themed food! Or foods from around the world!!! Today was Chinese needed a dessert to go with a Chinese, so we made a Mango and Lychees  cheesecake. It was delicious.

2020-10-03T13:18:49+00:00 September 19, 2020|

Story Telling

With the lock down restrictions still in place, we are all really missing the visits from the children and Sara their childminder. However with the powers of modern technology we can still get together via Zoom meetings. Today was story time with Beryl. Having been a librarian she was able to bring 'Tiddler' and 'The Snail and the Whale' to [...]

2020-09-04T07:28:14+00:00 September 4, 2020|