Yearly Archives: 2023


St David’s Day

We always enjoy bringing our St David's Day celebrations to life.  Signs of spring too! Decorations go up. Welsh cawl is prepared for lunch, along with other Welsh dishes on the menu such as Bara Brith, Welsh Rarebit, Welsh cakes, and laverbread. Delicious.

2023-04-21T09:03:47+00:00 March 3, 2023|

Drive ‘out’s’

We have introduced a 'drive out' wellbeing activity on a Monday afternoon (Weather and staff permitting) This will be on a rotational basis, as the car  (Pope mobile) will only take a maximum of two residents. So watch this space! Now that restrictions have lifted we thought it would be lovely to get out and about once more.

2023-04-21T09:19:34+00:00 February 27, 2023|

Shrove Tuesday

We had a basket of different types of pancakes. Can you believe there are SO many? We had a tasting session, followed but homemade pancakes for tea! We even made some craft ones to go on display. By the end of the day we were all 'pancaked' out!!!

2023-04-21T09:11:18+00:00 February 24, 2023|