
Home/Vince Ewing

About Vince Ewing

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So far Vince Ewing has created 740 blog entries.

Cookery School!

Our friend Anna has started a lockdown online cookery school with her children. She is teaching those who join her to cook some favourite recipes. We have decided to join in too. This week we made 'old school' sponge cake. It was good fun, and we will be joining her again next week for the next recipe. Thank you Anna [...]

2021-01-16T14:45:02+00:00 January 13, 2021|

Elvis and Pat’s Birthday

Pat shares her birthday with Elvis Presley! So celebrations were held throughout the day. We listened to Elvis's music during the morning, whilst playing the guitar! As you can see it was very lively indeed. There was also a lunchtime quiz, with one being on Elvis. Then for Pat's birthday celebrations. Pat loves Bradly Walsh, so she was surprised with [...]

2021-01-16T13:39:12+00:00 January 10, 2021|

New Year

We decided to have a New Year Party at lunchtime!  We chose to count down to 1:00pm which would be New Year in Australia. The morning of party fun began at 11:00 am with a yoga session. This was then followed with a game of pass the parcel. Honestly it was great fun as in-between each layer there was either [...]

2021-01-05T14:30:00+00:00 January 5, 2021|