
Home/Vince Ewing

About Vince Ewing

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So far Vince Ewing has created 740 blog entries.


Thought you might like to see how much pleasure Treacle is brining to Ealing House. She loves to go around seeing what's going on, at the same time seeing everyone and getting plenty of fuss along the way!

2020-12-01T13:27:49+00:00 November 29, 2020|

Christmas Wreath Making

We had a very enjoyable evening when we made some Christmas wreaths. It is so lovely to see how creative people are, with everyone producing amazing results. As you can see........

2020-11-30T22:21:13+00:00 November 27, 2020|

Friday Quiz’s and Children in Need

We continue to enjoy our Friday Quiz sessions which are held during lunch. We enjoy a wide variety of topics, and have some very clever residents, who help to write the quiz's along side Sue Brown. It makes it a lovely sociable time together. We had a special quiz for Pudsey Bear (Children in Need), where we dressed in pyjama's, [...]

2020-12-01T13:22:09+00:00 November 26, 2020|