
Home/Vince Ewing

About Vince Ewing

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So far Vince Ewing has created 740 blog entries.

Treacle’s Birthday

As you will all be very aware we have a VIC here at Ealing House. Treacle the VERY IMPORTANT CAT!! She came from a rescue home and there is no record of her birthday, so we made one up for her which also coincides with international Cat Day! As usual there was no stone unturned in making it a very [...]

2020-08-25T11:20:33+00:00 August 9, 2020|

Seaside windows

As part of our arts and craft summer time creations we decided to create some seals to go on the upstairs windows to cheer all the passers by up! I think you'll agree they turned out really well. Very striking,  well done to everyone who helped with this project. In addition to this we made some windmills to depict the [...]

2020-08-25T12:12:03+00:00 August 8, 2020|

Visit from the Children

as you are all well aware we love to see the children from Sara's childminding services. She came to the window to see everyone and brought some wonderful pictures created by the children. Once these had been quarantined they were opened and the contents read and enjoyed. Look at all the wonderful things they made for us. (Rahin's poem is [...]

2020-08-25T12:03:59+00:00 August 6, 2020|