
Home/Vince Ewing

About Vince Ewing

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So far Vince Ewing has created 740 blog entries.

Elf Day

Everyone entered into the spirit of this years Elf day. Sara visited with  the children during the morning. where we enjoyed plenty of singing and dancing together. Following this we finished off the final decorations to the Christmas tree and had time for a group photo or two!! Elf Day is a festive-themed fundraiser for Alzheimer's Society, which encourages participants to [...]

2020-01-22T18:14:51+00:00 December 8, 2019|

Christmas Coffee Morning

Huge Thanks to everyone who supported our Christmas themed Coffee Morning. We raised an amazing £ 635.80 on the day, what a wonderful boost to The Resident's Fund. ( As, no doubt know all the money goes towards Outings and activities that take place here at the home).  

2020-01-21T09:21:30+00:00 November 30, 2019|