
Home/Vince Ewing

About Vince Ewing

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So far Vince Ewing has created 740 blog entries.

Waveney Stardust 2

Everyone enjoys an afternoon on the river and August's trip was enjoyed by all. This also coincided with the inaugural use our new 'Pope Mobile' making us able to take a wheelchair user ourselves; and not rely on hiring taxis. A wonderful addition to Ealing House.

2019-09-23T08:56:45+00:00 August 30, 2019|

Sports Week

We began Sports Week by making some home made lemonade to refresh everyone during their sporting challenges.

2019-08-28T11:30:40+00:00 August 28, 2019|

‘Bob’s’ Norfolk Themed Quiz Night

We thought it would be good fun to get together with our 'thinking caps' on, and shake up our grey matter over a drink or two! With Norfolk Day being celebrated a couple of weeks ago we thought what could be more apt than a quiz on Norfolk. Bob, who is our 'knowledge' on all manner of things was our [...]

2019-08-28T11:25:32+00:00 August 22, 2019|