
Home/Vince Ewing

About Vince Ewing

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So far Vince Ewing has created 740 blog entries.

Wreath Festival

We were asked if we would like to put forward a wreath for the festival in St Mary's church from the 7th - 10th December. What do you think the answer was?!!! We also took the opportunity to update the art board inside the church with some of our poppies Take a look and see the finished results. We were [...]

2018-12-18T22:28:34+00:00 December 13, 2018|

Christmas coffee morning

We were delighted to see so many people come along to our Christmas coffee morning. There were many crafts for sale and as ever the cake/sweet stall was very popular. It was a huge success raising £476 in total. Thank you for all your support. It all goes towards all the many outings and in house entertainments that go on [...]

2018-12-18T22:37:00+00:00 December 10, 2018|

Vintage Tea Party

As part of the WW1 commemorations we held a vintage 'Lunch at the Ritz' Everyone enjoyed using all the best china, and listening to the music on the turntable which had been donated to us. Take a look and see.

2018-12-18T22:05:50+00:00 November 20, 2018|