
Home/Vince Ewing

About Vince Ewing

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So far Vince Ewing has created 740 blog entries.

Tony and Ann’s Garden

What a wonderful time we had at Tony and Ann's bungalow. We had been invited along for coffee and to see all the beautiful flowers in the garden. It was so lovely to sit in the garden and listen to the birds sing. We even met the really friendly robin who was looking for a crumb!! Ann's hospitality was above [...]

2018-08-31T10:03:30+00:00 July 18, 2018|

Martham Carnival

This years carnival had the theme of 'The World of Children's games and toys''. We put our 'Thinking Caps' on and decided on the game OPERATION! 'Wally' the scarecrow became the character for the board game and  the others could be placed on the float as if they were playing the game! We had a working party who met early in [...]

2018-08-03T14:15:07+00:00 July 8, 2018|