
Home/Vince Ewing

About Vince Ewing

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So far Vince Ewing has created 739 blog entries.

Little Visitor

We were delighted to welcome Leah into Ealing House for her first visit, along with Wilfred the dog Who was too scared to go beyond the dining room doors lol. She is our granddaughter of 3 months, and lives in Canterbury, Kent.  

2024-01-07T19:48:03+00:00 November 2, 2023|


W....O....W What else can I say other than what a great time we had in preparing for Halloween, and then putting on the most spectacular show. Look at these wonderful photos.    

2024-01-07T20:29:22+00:00 November 1, 2023|

Egg Day

For International Egg Day we gathered together our egg display. This included a quiz on eggs along with some word challenges. We also have an egg flip game which is harder than it looks, but great fun.

2023-11-09T08:34:12+00:00 October 28, 2023|