
Home/Vince Ewing

About Vince Ewing

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So far Vince Ewing has created 740 blog entries.


We held a nurses and doctors reminiscence session as it fell on Florence Nightingale's birthday. We had information to hand a bout Florence and her working life spent as a nurse. We also had things from Vince's dads day as a GP. There was lots of laughter as we worked out what some of the instruments were used for. There [...]

2021-05-24T14:24:03+00:00 May 12, 2021|

Sue’s Birthday

Our senior carer Sue celebrated her 70th Birthday. She has played a huge part to our lockdown activity programme by supplying us with weekly quizzes. these we have enjoyed immensely. We asked her to come along and join us for one of our Friday quiz sessions, choosing the one that fell the day before her birthday.  As you can see [...]

2021-05-24T09:44:57+00:00 April 30, 2021|

Gardening Week

We got our seeds planted and gathered ideas together during gardening week. Terracotta pots were painted in readiness for the seedlings to be transplanted (we're a good few weeks off at the moment due to the harsh weather). How ever they look lovely, and will cheerfully add to the garden display when the time comes. We held a Gardening Reminiscence. [...]

2021-05-10T15:19:31+00:00 April 29, 2021|