Burn’s Day!

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We held a Burns Day. To celebrate Robert Burns, and all things Scottish!

Preparations began soon into the New Year as some Loch Ness monsters  needed to be made. Everyone had great fun constructing these out of rolled up newspaper and papier mache. Once dried they were then painted and dressed in tartan hats and scarves!

We listened to some bagpipes and Scottish songs, as you can see, sparking some singing and dancing on the way!

There were also colouring pages and word searches to do with Scotland to complete and display on the walls, making a wonderful sight.

Then there was the meal held on 25th January; The table was decorated up with a tartan cloth and the Loch Ness monsters put in place. A meal of Haggis, neaps and tatties was served;this was followed by a raspberry cranachan dessert.

The residents were joined by some special little guests for lunch, who enjoyed trying the Haggis.


Tilly colouring in a Loch Ness monster

Tilly colouring in a Loch Ness monster



Lunch is served

Lunch is served

Burns Day Lunch

Burns Day Lunch



Yvonne does the highland fling!

Yvonne does the highland fling!

Scottish dancing!

Scottish dancing!


James and Jean

James and Jean

Tilly busily painting

Tilly busily painting