

Easter Bunny!

Easter wouldn't be Easter without The Easter Bunny! We were VERY lucky that he was able to stop by with the children to bring some goodies to the home, along with some daffodils. Following the bunny's departure the children did some singing in the lounge. This included the son 'Sleeping Bunnies!' Tony treated them to a share of his jelly [...]

2018-04-30T11:18:25+00:00 March 30, 2018|

Coffee Morning

Thank you to EVERY ONE who came along to this year's Easter themed coffee morning. We had a lovely time. It was lovely to see so many visitors to the home. The stalls were very popular, and everyone enjoyed the 'new' spin the wheel game. It made all the activity sessions of preparation worth while. We are delighted to announce [...]

2018-04-30T11:04:04+00:00 March 27, 2018|

Mothering Sunday

For Mothering Sunday, everyone enjoyed fresh flowers, chocolates and cuddly toys! Some of the ladies joined in with a flower arranging session on the Friday before, which was magnificent.  On the Sunday the home was busy with visitors and the tables were set with spacial Mothering Sunday balloons.  Everyone felt very spoilt which was lovely to hear. Thank you to [...]

2018-04-30T11:11:42+00:00 March 25, 2018|