

St Patrick’s Day/Little Gypsy Jo/Daphne’s Birthday!

St Patrick's Day celebrations started early with a morning of 'decorating' up ready for the event. Following this there were, cakes and other goodies to be made. St Patrick's Day Happens to be Daphne's Birthday; for this years's celebrations we were lucky enough to get 'Little Gypsy Jo' to come along with her fiddle and play some lovely Irish tunes. [...]

2018-04-30T10:53:46+00:00 March 24, 2018|

A Night at the Races

Wow, what a fun evening we all had. We held our first ever night at the races. With the aid of our new projector, screen, and speaker system, Elaine was able to bring to life a night at the races. We had 4 teams and a stake of £100 (not real money!) to spend. this bought much laughter and fun [...]

2018-04-30T10:19:47+00:00 March 23, 2018|

Belated St David’s Day Celebrations!

We had to postpone our St David's Day/ Marie Curie celebrations due to the snow (the roads were cut off!!). Never the less we decided to go ahead the following week when the roads were clear and the children from Jenny and Sara's could come along to help celebrate.  This coincided with World Book Day so the children dressed in [...]

2018-04-30T10:06:57+00:00 March 20, 2018|