

Vegetable Week

There were an array of activities during vegetable week. Including soup making, vegetable muffin making. Both of which turned out very well and will be repeated on a regular basis. We sourced 24 different vegetables, which were then displayed in a basket, (and some carrot juice) numbered and a 'Can you Name' game played. There were also word searches and [...]

2023-07-12T07:39:47+00:00 June 29, 2023|

Strawberry Jam

With the abundance of strawberries around and the forthcoming 'Afternoon Tea' day we decided to make some strawberry jam and scones. It proved to be a fun activity as we were joined by Sara and the children in her care.

2023-07-16T15:41:41+00:00 June 28, 2023|

Well being Activities

As ever there has been a busy programme of wellbeing activities. Not all our photographed but I think you get a general ides that there is something going on which can be adapted for all.

2023-07-12T08:05:55+00:00 June 27, 2023|