

Carrot Day

There's a day for everything!! Today was Carrot Day.  We looked at the different types of carrots and carrot products available in the supermarket. Who'd a thought there would be such choice.

2023-05-09T18:04:49+00:00 April 9, 2023|

Comic Relief

We held a coffee morning with the Little Visitors for this years Comic Relief. It is always lovely to see the little ones come in to light up our day.

2023-05-09T17:53:36+00:00 March 27, 2023|

St Patrick’s Day

St Patricks Day celebrations were great fun as you can see. The usual Irish Stew and Baileys cheesecake was enjoyed by all followed by some Irish entertainment. Some of the girls decided to attempt Irish Dancing, and put on a lunch time show which was brilliant. Well done girls, you are amazing.

2023-05-09T17:24:28+00:00 March 26, 2023|