

Popcorn Day

Yes there's a day for everything, and today was popcorn appreciation day!! There were 4 different popcorns to try.  Everyone taste tested them and then announced their favourite. There was Sweet, salty, sweet and salty mixed, and freshly cooked buttery popcorns to try The sweet was the out right favourite with the buttery a close second.

2022-02-21T14:48:08+00:00 January 21, 2022|

Tu B’Shevat

We enjoy celebrating Tu B'Shevat which is a festival known as the 'birthday' of all trees and the planting of many in Israel and many surrounding countries. For us it is a good time to take a look at the more unusual fruits that are available to us in supermarkets these days. To see them in their different forms. fresh [...]

2022-02-21T14:09:06+00:00 January 16, 2022|


Its always very difficult to break down our photos during December as there is SO much going on!! Despite Covid restrictions we managed to enjoy a full programme of events as you will see.  Tree decorating Elf Day Wreath making for family and St Mary's Church display Reminiscence sessions Christingle Jumper Day Making, marzipanning and Icing the Christmas cakes following [...]

2022-01-17T21:17:26+00:00 January 3, 2022|