COVID-19 contact with love ones

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As you are all well aware we have had to shut our doors to ALL visitors.

This decision was not taken lightly as we love social interaction with family and friends, it makes our home special. However it is absolutely necessary to keep everyone safe.

We are fortunate enough to have a Tablet Device which has Facebook Messenger.

If you would like to use this service  to video call your loved/friend (and have the appropriate phone device to do so), then please contact Ealing House to give us your Facebook name so we can Log you in.

You will receive a notification which will simply say ‘Ealing House’ once this is complete.

This will then activate.

As you are already aware, we are busy people. Therefore we have to limit the times that we can be available to answer the device, we are therefore suggesting that you book a time slot between 11:00 – 12:00        4:00 – 5:00 pm        7:00- 8:00 pm 

If you ring in to book a time slot that would be very helpful, we can have then have the device near to the appropriate person.

Hope this is some help to you.