January is a very busy birthday month here at Ealing House. We have not one, but indeed five birthdays to celebrate all in the space of 11 days! So we decided to hold one big party on 10th January, and invite families and friends to join in all the excitement.
For entertainment we asked Tony the singer to come along with his guitar, as he is a favourite of all of our residents.
The cake!
This had to be extra special as it was to be a combined one for all of the birthday residents. Therefore we enlisted the wonderful cake making skills of Elaine Kirby’s daughter in law, Kirsty. Just take a look of what she did, she’s so clever. Thank you so much.
Following the entertainment there was a birthday buffet tea, this was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Individual birthday’s were marked with coffee, cake and gifts on their actual birthday, joined by fellow resident’s and their family.
Hope you enjoy looking through the selection of photos taken during this time. They feature individual birthdays and the joint party for all.

The Cake!

Bradley resting on Ruby whilst waiting for some of Amy’s birthday cake!!

Kathleen enjoying the show with her great granddaughter

Cheers Happy Birthday

Cutting the Cake

Party Food

Party House

Sherry and a chat

Cutting the cake

Blowing out the candles

Kathleen blows out her candle

Party Food

Jean and Elaine enjoy a dance

Enjoying the show

Joan, Jean, and Elaine dance to an Elvis number

Joan Elaine and Tony

Tony entertains Maurice and his family

Everyone listening to the entertainment

Kathy looks at the cake

Amy’s Birthday

Kathleen’s Birthday

Blowing out the candle on her carrot cake!

Joyce and Kathleen

Amy has a friend (Bradly) watching her eat every mouthful of cake!!

Amy opens her gifts

Reading her cards

Kathleen listens to us sing

Kathleen opens up a picture of her with her family

Maurice blows out the candles on his cake

Conducting our singing!

Kathleen adjusts her birthday hat.

Happy Birthday to you dear Maurice x

Maurice opens his gifts

Something to keep you warm Maurice

Opening more gifts

Singing along with Tony

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