Making Drinking FUN. The results!

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We were delighted to be chosen to be the launch of the Making Drinking Fun research programme by the University of East Anglia with it’s aim to eliminate dehydration amongst the elderly.

The project is pro active in its approach to older people failing to take in enough fluids, this has been done by coming up with sociable activities where by drinking is part of the session. An activities toolkit has been devised providing residential homes with a variety of ways to make the people in their care drink enough

With both the Eastern Daily Press and radio Norfolk present, Elaine southern the Activities coordinator, showed how we at Ealing House promote hydration by hosting a tea tasting session. As it was December ‘Festive’ flavour teas were used.Six different teas were sampled, this was followed by a ‘tea’ quiz.

The research was done by Florence Jimoh and Dr Lee Cooper.

There are articles in the EDP, The Mercury and The Advertiser!!!

Please see our press book when you visit if you would like to read all about it!