

November wellbeing

There are numerous things that go on at Ealing House. At the moment there are some working on two projects. One is for Rollesby school. They have asked if we cam work together and make some story sacks. The Hungry caterpillar is our second project with them, so look out for it later when it is complete. The second project [...]

2023-01-25T19:20:00+00:00 November 25, 2022|


There were some wellbeing activity sessions held before Diwali where divas were made in readiness for the festival tables. Diwali was celebrated with a meal cooked by Suzy. Everyone enjoyed themselves, as you can see. (Can you spot the home made divas on the table?)

2023-01-25T19:26:17+00:00 November 17, 2022|