

Katie’s Baby Shower

We couldn't let Katie, (one of our carers) disappear for her maternity leave without having a baby shower! Her mum, Mandy was 'in on it', and brought Katie in for a surprise 'final' coffee (served with a special cake). There was a table of wonderful gifts, to 'shower' her little baby girl with. We played 'The Nappy Game' which was [...]

2022-03-11T15:57:21+00:00 March 10, 2022|

Valentines Day

What a lovely Valentine's we all had. We decided to have our celebrations at tea time by holding a vintage style tea party. As you can see we had a special visitor join us for the evening. He was very popular, quite the charmer. After all who doesn't adore Bradley Walsh?! I think the following says it all.

2022-02-21T10:07:15+00:00 February 21, 2022|

Hedgehog day

We had a visit from 'Audrey' one of my rescue hedgehogs. She is quite tame due to her size and condition when found. She only weighed 187gms mid October.  She was thought to be a third litter due to the warm autumn. She was out wandering during the day, very weak, looking for food she was covered in fleas and [...]

2022-02-21T09:48:36+00:00 February 9, 2022|