

Australia Day

G'day from Ealing House! Once again we had a lovely time looking at all our Australian things along with enjoying an Australian meal. We chose Chicken Parmigiana with Lamingtons for dessert. Lots of chat and discussion from some our many very well travelled residents. Interesting to hear all the adventures that have gone on.

2022-02-21T14:59:18+00:00 January 29, 2022|

Burns Day

Once again we enjoyed our tribute to Robert Burns and all things Scottish! We spent some time before hand creating some Loch Ness Monsters out of papier-mâché. We also spent time preparing Cranachan for dessert for our Burn's Day celebrations. We enjoyed Edinburgh rock, Scottish tablet, and Scottish themed menu for the week. With dishes such as Kedgeree, Scottish Salmon, [...]

2022-02-21T13:55:17+00:00 January 28, 2022|

Cheese Day

National Cheese appreciation day. (20th Jan) As I said before there is a day for everything, this time it was cheese! We enjoyed a cheese tea party. Yummy

2022-02-21T15:06:16+00:00 January 21, 2022|